Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas in Wisconsin we go again! It's Christmas, we are packing to move to our new place in Fairfield, Lynn has a ton of work at the office and,.......Yep, you guessed it, we are driving to Wisconsin for Christmas!

OK, at this point it's no longer a question, we are just plain NUTS!

We are going to leave the evening of the 23rd and be back the 29th and the movers are coming the 30th and we have to be totally out of the Ansonia house by the 31st! But hey, No Pressure!

We can do this, we are very determined women........and we are nuts!

So I pack the rental car and take a nap when I get home while waiting for Lynn, we leave at about 9:30pm on the 23rd.

Now with all the stress of packing and finding a new place and just the utter turmoil that is our lives at this point.......I'm starting to feel a little sick. Lynn has a refill for a Z-pack, so I ask her to fill it and I take it to prevent any sickness from hitting me. We head out and Lynn takes a nap to start our trip and wakes up a few hours later SICK AS A DOG!!!!!!! I guess she should have taken the Z-pack.

Now we are on the road and too far in to stop and turn around so I tell Lynn to keep sleeping and I crank up the Christmas carols and BOOK IT across Pennsylvania! It was the dead of night and I had the cruise control set on about 90mph! We are going to get there and get there fast!
After about 12 hours of me driving (loaded with diet coke, snacks and sugar free Red Bull) I needed to sleep so Lynn took over, once again SICK AS A DOG! Bless her heart she did great.....for about 3 hours. Then I took over again and once more set the cruise and took off.

We did great arriving in just 21 hours (shaved 3 hours off last years trip)! We only hit bad weather north of Chicago almost there. Julia and Ben were very excited to see us, they knew we were coming but Lynn's Mom and Larry didn't.

Now Christmas day is so much fun with kids. (not that I'm not a big kid and have fun myself) Julia is the kid who tears into everything and barely looks at it before she has pounced onto the next present. Great technique but all to soon there is nothing left to open.
Ben, on the other hand, wants to play with each present and has no interest in the next one. So after 20-30 minutes Julia has opened everything and is looking at Ben's pile still left unopened.....there could be a problem here. Now Julia is ask Ben, "Hey Ben, do this one next, here I'll start it for you." RRRRRIIIIIPPPPP Luckily for her Ben took it all in stride.

Lynn's family had to go spend part of Christmas day with Jeff(Dad)'s side of the family so that was good because after presents Lynn had to back to bed.

I will make this trip whenever Lynn wants to go because while Lynn was sleeping, Jeff and Julia were also taking a nap, Cathy was getting ready to go, Ben and I were playing with the new Batcave and he stopped playing and looked at me and said, "Nanner, I love it when you bring Aunt Lynnie here for Christmas." OK, now I'm a sobbing mess, dude you are 4 years old and you have the Heart of a Lion!

So we had a lot of fun. Lynn, Cathy and I took Julia to see the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie, we watched UP!, we made Hello Kitty fortune cookies(if you are ever offered one just decline), we did many art projects and lots of other indoor stuff cause it was FREEZING!!!!! Of course it is Wisconsin.

So to sum it all up, WE ARE NUTS! But we had a great time and it's so nice to visit with Julia and Ben.

P.S. We are all moved in but it will be a month before the boxes are all emptied!
pictures of the new place next time.


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