Saturday, January 31, 2009


OK, so its the night before the big game. There is still so much to do..........

1. finish all the chores so there are no interruptions
2. pre make some there are no interruptions
3. make sure the comfy clothes are clean
4. buy CT you cannot buy beer on Sunday
I don't get it either
5. get to the store for necessitites.....chips.....dip......cheese......meat snacks.....
6. make sure the cable bill is paid
7. get a good nights sleep because even though the game starts at 6:15(EST)
the pregame begins at 9am with the Today Show.

For those of you who don't DO math that's 9 hours of pregame before the game starts so you're looking at about 13 or 14 hours of TV.



Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting my ducks in a row!

So the holiday season is behind us with all the gifts sent and opened....we are off the open road.... a new year is upon us and the Christmas cards have finally been sent!

Both Lynn and I have had our birthdays(Lynn's was Monday the 5th and mine was Saturday the 10th) so that is done. We have already been scrapbooking in the new year and the first babysitting jobs are next weekend for us both.

Now the only thing left to do is...........PUT THE CHRISTMAS STUFF AWAY!!!!!!! Oh man how can two people collect so much crap oh,,no.. I mean treasures. We have had to shovel the driveway 3 times since new years day and we just haven't had the energy to bring up all the boxes from the basement and get the tree taken down and all the knick knacks put away. Then the several follow up trips to the basement for the decorations that we missed the first, second, or even third time we sweep the rooms for everything.

But with the New Year comes all the promises for a new you and not falling into old habits and keeping on top of your life in general, but I think having your Christmas decorations up until Valentine's Day kinda blows all that out of the water.

I should get going and clean off my desk and put the clothes away or maybe just have another piece of birthday cake and look at my treadmill......

but at least tomorrow is another day.


Friday, January 2, 2009

The Tomato Saga

Let me share with ya'll the saga of Lynn's tomatoes......

Lynn has this tomato plant that she has tried to grow tomatoes on for a couple of years now. We take it out in the summer and to the front porch in the spring and fall and to the upstairs bedroom in the winter. We wrap it in blankets to keep it warm and still it doesn't grow.

Well all that changed this year. Lynn got two(little) tomatoes to grow on it this year. She was so proud, we had to talk and encourage the little guys to grow. I had to help do this too. We had to go and praise the little guys to keep them going strong.

Finally, they were as big as they were going to get so it was time to pick them off the tree so we could stare at them on the counter top for a few weeks.

So on New Year's Eve we had salads with our dinner and Lynn finally ate her tomatoes and they were delicious.

I can hardly wait until next year and we can start the whole experience again. I really enjoy having to go and talk and praise the tomatoes and I don't even LIKE tomatoes!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

So, you want all the details of the party girls night on New Year's Eve? Let me tell you it was a rip roarin' time. Lynn and I spent time preparing for New Years Eve by taking a nap in the afternoon(my school was let out early due to a snow storm that hit yesterday).

So after the nap we had a great dinner(Lynn made steaks on the grill) then we hunkered down on the couch and watched TV in our jammies until the ball dropped at Times Square then we went to bed.......WOO HOO do we know how to party or what!

The storm got really bad with fresh snow and below zero wind chills so we didn't venture out at all once we got home. It was a really nice night all cozy inside hearing the wind howling outside, the only thing better would have been if we had a fire place, but we have had 2 friends with fireplaces have squirrels come in this year.

One of my directors had a flying squirrel come in on Christmas day and reek havoc in their tree and then it hid from them until they were eating and out he came again. Her brother finally put on some mitts and got him outside. Two of her three sons were alternately terrified and amused.

So maybe a fireplace is not the best idea.

I hope everyone has had a very safe and happy holiday.....oops I almost forgot........Happy Birthday yesterday to our friend Bevie....usually were get to spend some time at her house playing cards, but it was just too stormy......

I hope you all get just what you want out of the new year.
