Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Christmas Music

So we are 4 days from Halloween, then getting a bead on a nice Tom Turkey for Thanksgiving, and finally Christmas rounding out the holiday season.

I know most people have very hard and fast rules for when you can begin to listening to Christmas music......only after Thanksgiving......only after Dec. 1st........any time in Nov/Dec.......there are as many rules as families.

I've always thought that to just listen in December is not nearly enough time, but for others that's more than enough (right Dad?).

When Lynn and I were nannies we always had the last week in August thru Labor Day and we would road trip to Wisconsin to visit Lynn's family. Our tradition was that on the 21 hour trip home we would only listen to Christmas music thus starting the holiday season. Most people thought we were a little nuts but we loved it...........it was car karaoke all the way to Connecticut!

Let's face it, its some of the only music we know all the words to. Plus, it just makes you happy when you hear it, can you really frown when you hear Dean Martin singing "Let it Snow" or Bing Crosby singing "White Christmas" or even the Muppets singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"!

I think Christmas music needs to be played whenever you need a quick pick me up, pop in your favorite Christmas CD and let it fly! (Maybe that's just me?)

Til next time.........Merry Christmas!

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